With more than 10 years experience in Child-Care and 10 years experience in Aged-Care, Rachel has transitioned to providing formal counselling support. Rachel is passionate about helping couples improve their relationship, and also supporting individuals through Betrayal Trauma,
Grief and Loss.
Rachel has a soft heart that you will warm
With more than 10 years experience in Child-Care and 10 years experience in Aged-Care, Rachel has transitioned to providing formal counselling support. Rachel is passionate about helping couples improve their relationship, and also supporting individuals through Betrayal Trauma,
Grief and Loss.
Rachel has a soft heart that you will warm to right away. She offers simple and effective tools to help in times of need, with a positive, hopeful attitude.
Rachel has been married to Brad for over 35 years, has 3 adult children and is most excited about enjoying time with her grandsons. Her hobbies include extended family activities and digital scrapbooking.
Rachel uses these therapies:
· Christian Counselling
· Relationship Coaching
· Person-Centred
· EFT Tapping
· Accept Commit therapy (ACT)
· ERCEM - Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model
EFT - Tapping
Rachel is a member of:
Australian Counselling Association
(ACA) Level 4
Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS)
Clinical Disclosure Guide
Bachelor of Counselling
Certified Clinical Empathy Specialist
Restoring Truth Disclousre Guide
Adv Dip Counselling & Family Therapy
Dip Counselling (Christian Counselling)
Cert III Children Services (Child Care)
Cert III HaCC (Aged Care)
With more than 25 years experience in the "People Helping Professions", including Pastoring Churches, Chaplaincy in Schools and Universities, and teaching Theology, Brad now provides Marriage/ Couple Counselling, Individual Counselling & Relationship Coaching, and also delivers Individual and Group Supervision Services.
Brad works to
With more than 25 years experience in the "People Helping Professions", including Pastoring Churches, Chaplaincy in Schools and Universities, and teaching Theology, Brad now provides Marriage/ Couple Counselling, Individual Counselling & Relationship Coaching, and also delivers Individual and Group Supervision Services.
Brad works to help you find strategies that promote growth and development in your specific work, family, or personal scenarios.
If you need to talk out your ideas, offload your burden, or work on your team dynamics, Brad is ready to support.
As a family man, Brad has been married to Rachel for over 35 yrs, and has 3 adult children & 2 grandsons. He enjoys family activities, and his hobbies include riding motorbikes, building model train sets, and watching the Aussies win at just about any sport.
Brad uses these therapies:
· Christian Counselling
· Relationship Coaching
· Person-Centred
· Pastoral Supervision
· ERCEM - Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model
Brad is a member of:
Australian Counselling Association
(ACA) Level 2
International Institute of Trauma
& Addiction Professionals. (IITAP)
Clincial Disclousure Guide - Canidate
MA Counselling Specialization
Pastoral Addiction Sex Addiction Professional (PSAP)
Certified Clinical Empathy Specialist
Restoring Truth Disclousre Guide
Grad Cert in Professional Supervision (Pastoral) (Clinical)
Grad Cert Arts (Ministry)
Dip Leadership & Business Management
Cert IV Theology (Lay Min)